Less Perfect Union

If you needed more proof that the Supreme Court of the United States and the death cult masquerading as the Republican Party that has stacked the courts across the nation with right wing judges don't have the people's best interests in mind, look no further than the past twenty-four hours where three rulings tore down … Continue reading Less Perfect Union

Rainbow Capitalism

One thing I am sadly learning these days is that terrorism is an effective tool to enact political change in this country, so long as it is terrorism from those who claim to defend the Christian conservative family values. In the past months we have seen two major multinational corporations walk back their stances when … Continue reading Rainbow Capitalism

State of DisUnion

On April 26, 1938, the Nazi government in control of Germany decreed that all Jews both in Germany and Austria to register all property and assets above a certain value with the government. This helped facilitate government sanctioned theft of heirlooms and livelihoods from hundreds of thousands of Jewish people in the two countries. In … Continue reading State of DisUnion

Re-inventing myself and the site

I've wanted to share more writing with the world for some time now. It's not like my hands have been idle, I continue to journal every day and there's plenty I've written in those diaries which I must confess was written for a future audience while being utterly uncertain as to whether any other eyes … Continue reading Re-inventing myself and the site

The Walls Are Closing In

Trigger warning: Suicide - if you or someone you know is considering suicide go to https://translifeline.org/ or call US(877)565-8860 CAN(877)330-6366. Non-transgender specific suicide hotline: (800)273-8255 This past Sunday, FINA, the world governing body for competitive swimming, banned all transgender women from competing if they did not fully transition before the age of 12.  Which is … Continue reading The Walls Are Closing In

Who Knew It Was Better To Be Invisible

Trigger Warning: In this blog I will be discussing suicide, violence, and other discriminatory and harmful acts. If you or someone you know is considering suicide please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 For transgender specific crisis you can contact TransLifeline.org or call them at US: 877-565-8860 CAN: 877-330-6366 How am I supposed … Continue reading Who Knew It Was Better To Be Invisible


Wow... When I envisioning my life after the Pan American Highway I knew it would be different.  Different from how life was before my trip and most certainly different than my life during. What I couldn't imagine is a world gripped by a pandemic, even though news and cases of what we would later know … Continue reading Change