Re-inventing myself and the site

I’ve wanted to share more writing with the world for some time now. It’s not like my hands have been idle, I continue to journal every day and there’s plenty I’ve written in those diaries which I must confess was written for a future audience while being utterly uncertain as to whether any other eyes will ever befall those words. I hope to start publishing more regularly than once a year with random thoughts, travel updates, or whatever else crosses my mind.

However, the REAL BIG news is that I am going to start publishing book reviews! As many of you may already know, I love to read. And I love to talk about what I read. So let me introduce you to Natalie By Book! Starting out, I will be posting more or less general reviews on the books I am reading but maybe evolve into larger conversations on the topics and themes discussed in the media I consume. I hope you all enjoy the first review which will be published not long after this post goes live!

So thanks for sticking with me through all of my trials and adventures and random ramblings and I hope you enjoy this next chapter…

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