There and Back Again: A Homo’s Tale

The Push to Prudhoe Part 5: Some Final Thoughts

This ride has been by far the hardest of my life. It has tested me physically, mentally, and emotionally. Each stage of this journey has had it’s own challenges that have required different strengths to overcome. Be it the massive mountains, the seemingly endless winds, the weight of carrying days of food, or the lack … Continue reading The Push to Prudhoe Part 5: Some Final Thoughts

The Push to Prudhoe Part 4: Wind wind everywhere and all of it in my Face

Do you remember what I said about my wonderful mood? Yeah, well it soured real quickly today. I had about 220 km left until reaching my destination of Deadhorse and I wanted to do half of that today. My day started with 40 km of large rolling hills heading east northeast, of course into the … Continue reading The Push to Prudhoe Part 4: Wind wind everywhere and all of it in my Face

The Push to Prudhoe Part 1: Fairbanks to the Yukon, a.k.a. The Illusion of Downhill, a.k.a. A Walk to Remember

I stayed in North Pole for about four days hanging with the amazing Shay family I met in the Seattle airport. Afterward, I stayed a night in Fairbanks proper to save me 15 km on my first day of riding up to Deadhorse. I met this guy from Germany, Thomas, whop lives near Augsburg and … Continue reading The Push to Prudhoe Part 1: Fairbanks to the Yukon, a.k.a. The Illusion of Downhill, a.k.a. A Walk to Remember