Ok, this has been a long time coming. I’m back home now with a working computer, I probably should have written sooner but such is life. A lot has happened since my last post back in [checks blog history] HOLY SHIT SINCE OCTOBER!!! So long story short I made it to Ushuaia and then flew home, [cut to credits].
Just kidding, but this seems like as good a time as any to let you all know what I imagine to be the future of my blog going forward:
- For starters, I don’t plan on letting this website die or go away. I still have plenty to write about what happened on my journey, some of which made Piss Mountain seem easy.
- I do still plan on going on adventures. They may not all be cycling related but I will write about what trips I do here. And there will be cycling ones for sure. I kind of want to bike along Lake Superior, maybe do a lap? That can’t take too long…
- Omg lots of photos to edit still! I have to get my old external hard drive to a data recovery place because all Peru is unavailable to me for looking back through.
- There is going to be a sister website to this one that I am building to be more business-oriented. I am starting a Virtual Assistant business that will allow me to travel and work at the same time and that site will focus on my business. Ask me about what a Virtual Assistant is if you have questions!
- Point 4 ties into point 2. Having a job while traveling will allow me to travel faster and more comfortably to places allowing for more diverse adventures rather than just cycling. Hint hint: Climbing.
So that’s it for today, but you can expect to see blog posts in the near future here and in other places that I wrote. Thank you all for sticking with me throughout these incredible two and a half years.